Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Using Wordle to Introduce Myself

I created this Wordle for students and parents at the beginning of the year to describe myself and let them know what type of teacher I am (or aspire to be).  I ask for parent input first on what type of teacher they would want their child to have, then I show them my characteristics and discuss what each one means as far as teaching/learning goes.  I also let my students create one of these within the first few days of school to describe themselves.  We print them off and hang them in the hallway.  This activity helps students to see what type of teacher they will have, and it helps me to get to know my students better.  Just go to to create your own and customize with font, colors, and layout!  So fun!!

Wordle: ms. charity

- CJY-

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Mathlete T-shirt!

I was so excited when my fiance mentioned that he found these "Mathlete" t-shirts online.  After seeing the commercial in which the dad goes to watch his "mathlete" children (which I totally cannot find anywhere on youtube right now), I just had to have one.  It's an essential for every math teacher.  I know this will be a big hit with the kids this year.  So excited to show it off!  

Monday, June 25, 2012

Back to School Magnets

To make sure my parents have access to my information (and incredibly long e-mail address) at all times, I have decided to purchase magnets with my contact information on them.  In the past, I have designed business cards to hand out, but those often get lost in the shuffle.  I think this idea will work much better.  Plus, the designs I found are way cuter.  AND they are only 9.99 @ for 25 & that is all I will need for my homeroom kids!  

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fraction Feast Freebie!!

Check out this PowerPoint I made, and download it for FREE!!  I used this with my 5th graders during the school year in math class, and I used it this summer with a Gifted Education class I taught for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders!