Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Every year, I do a "Life Lessons" activity with my students.  I have them write a 1-3 sentence lesson that they have learned at some point in their young lives.  These never fail to make me smile, especially at this time of the year.  I thought I would share their responses from today with you.

5th grader's life lessons

"I've learned to be yourself because who you are doesn't make you different.  Just be yourself, and don't let anybody make you feel bad about yourself." - Age 11

"I've learned that... 
1. Pictures may be fun but may be embarrassing later.
2. Boys are crazy.
3. Your actions speak louder than your words.
- Age 11

"I've learned that, sometimes, I am smarter than my brother."
- Age 11

"I learned that strawberry & grape lipstick should be put up high so younger siblings cannot eat them."
- Age 12

"I have learned to not date and tell.  If you tell, it will spread, then you have to dump him."  
- Age 12

"I've learned that when you brag about yourself, you sound stuck up, but when other people brag about you, you sound pretty amazing."
- Age 11

"I've learned that the worse you are at something, the more determined you are to do it."
- Age 11

"I have learned that when someone is being mean to you, just move on because there is a thing called karma, and it will get you."
- Age 10

"I have learned that when you have a boyfriend, be careful because they might dump you for your other friends."
- Age 12

"I have learned to never trust a girl... unless she's THE ONE."
- Age 11

"I have learned that if you don't get any sleep, you'll be cranky in the morning.  That's not a good thing.
- Age 11


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