Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Spring Classroom Door Decor

This year we had a door decorating contest at our school during the first few weeks of Spring prior to testing.  Although my door didn't win a place, I did get an honorable mention.  My "door decoration" extended to the walls surrounding it, due to my students' enthusiasm for helping create my decorations.  As the only 5th grade math teacher, here is what I came up with: 

The flowers on the door and lining the hallway were student-made.  I had them pick a topic we had studied this year (Algebra, Geometry, Fractions, etc.) and write that word in the circle in the middle of the flower.  On each petal, they were instructed to write a problem of some type (equation, picture, words) dealing with the subject they chose.  Then, the answer to their "problem" on each petal could be revealed by lifting up the petal.  The kids were definitely excited to show off their math skills in this creative way!


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