Thursday, July 12, 2012

Easy Exchange Artwork Display

My weekly (if not bi-weekly) routine throughout the school year: Staple 20-some-odd pieces of artwork on the worn out strip outside my door and remove them one by one less than a week later.  Staple up 20-some-odd new pieces of artwork following the weekly art class.  This routine got very monotonous after about the 47th time doing it.  So, I have created a new system that is not only faster and more efficient but also ADORABLE!  

First, I bought these adorable mini clothespins.  They were a little boring, so I decided to paint them a fun color: turquoise!  

While I was searching for the border for my staple strips for artwork, a brilliant idea came about.  I could glue on these little clothespins to the border to clip work onto instead of stapling, de-stapling, and re-stapling every week!  

So, when I got to school, I got to gluing on the little turquoise clothespins!  Here is what it looks like:

I had to make sure to space out the clips enough so that a normal sized piece of paper could fit both longways and sideways.  

This will make it sooooo easy to take papers down and put them up!  I am so excited about how cute it turned out as well.  I love the black and turquoise together.  



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