Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Welcome Aboard!

Okay, I finally decided on the focal point for my door.  I found this float at Hobby Lobby for 50% off, and then I decided to paint on the words "Welcome Aboard."

I used stencils to paint on the words.  First, I laid out the letters on the float to see how they would fit.

I decided to tape down the letters so they wouldn't go anywhere while I was painting. 

This is how they turned out:

Now, I just need a way to make the letters on the navy blue show through better.  I'm thinking of going over in a gray color.  

So, gray it is.  I went over the stenciled letters (freehand, ahhhhh) in gray so it would show through both the navy blue and white.  Here is how it looks on my door now: 

Definitely easier to read!  Now, all I need is my homeroom roster so I can write the name of each student on my sailboats, and my door will be ready for back-to-school night!!  I will post pictures when it is all finished!  

We finally got all the rosters sorted out, so I could put my kids' names on the door!  So exciting!
To go with our sailing theme, I bought a bulletin board set with the sailboats and wheel.  On each sailboat, I wrote my kids' names.  

Under the wheel, I wrote, "Ms. Charity's Sailors- Room 216."

Here is a close-up with my central motif:

It is a little busy, but I think it turned out great! 



Unknown said...

Hi I am doing the same theme for my 1st grade classroom... and I want to know where you bought the little boats to put the student's names? and the one where you have your name and room number. Thank you, LBuenrostro :)

Charity said...

Hi, Linda! Thanks for stopping by! I bought a bulletin board set with the sailboats, wheel, and banner at my local Teacher's Aid Store. You can shop at this store online at www.mytoysandmore.net.
The product is by Creative Teaching Press and includes a large ship with sail, a steering wheel, a behavior compass with movable arrow, 30 student ships, a crew mouse, 2 display signs, 1 pelican sailor, and a 4-page activity guide with display ideas, activities, and a reproducible. I did not use all the pieces on my door, just thought you would like to know what all it included. Creative Teaching Press also has a website @ www.creativeteaching.com. Good luck in your search for nautical-themed items! It took me a while to find all that I needed.

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