Monday, July 9, 2012

File Folder + Duct Tape

I love this project because you only have to buy 2 items: file folders and duct tape!

I found a cute 9 pk of file folders at TJ Maxx for cheaper than 5pks other places that didn't even have designs!  The duct tape was cheapest and had the most variety at Target.  Since my folders were black & white on the outside, I figured I'd add some colors that matched the inside of the folders with the tape.  

So, first all I did was lay out the folders like so...

I made sure the folders were spaced apart far enough to make it easy to insert papers.

Then, I measured a piece of the duct tape along the edge of the folders but did not make it long enough to cover the very top.  I pressed down gently just so the tape would stick.  Just in case I needed to readjust, I left it loose for now.

Next, I flipped the entire thing over carefully...

... and pressed the tape firmly on the back of the file folders.

I repeated this step with the other side as well (front & back views).

I also felt I needed to make slits in the duct tape where the openings on the file folders were so that I could fit 8 1/2"  by 11" papers in them.  So, I just carefully lifted each flap on the front of the folders and slid my scissors underneath the duct tape to make a small snip to the edge of the folder.  Then, to make it look neater, I tucked the excess duct tape in like so:

I realized that the bottom would look better/neater if I added one strip of duct tape across the bottom, and I like how it turned out:

Just to make it extra durable (and because the back will not be showing), I added strips of duct tape across the back.  I didn't put a strip on every single folder, I just skipped around.  If I need more, I can always add it later.  

I punched 2 holes at the top of the folder to hang on my filing cabinet with the infamous Command Strips.

My last little touches for this project include labeling each folder with the most common papers I handle and personalizing it, of course!  A picture of the finished product is to come.  I have to decide on what exactly I want to label each folder and if I want to wait to personalize with my new last name on 11.10.2012 . . .



madison said...

this will be great to make and hang in my locker or something simular!

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