Friday, July 27, 2012

Hope Hollywood!

Okay, so this is not a teaching-related post, but I am so excited about my sister starting her own blog that I just have to share.  She is such a good writer!  I have told her she needs to start putting her stories down where people can read them.  I know her blog will be interesting!  It has nothing to do with teaching (since she thinks I'm crazy for choosing to be around kids all day as a job), but it is about her life, which I live vicariously through her.  Check it out!!!

I love the name she chose for it, by the way!


Unknown said...

Charity! Thank you for the shout out! I'm so excited for this new blog and cant wait for it to grow! I wouldnt have confidence in putting my life out there without you! Thank you! I Love you!

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