Monday, July 9, 2012

What to do with all those crayons??

I finished the first of many projects for my classroom today.  I finally sorted my crayons that were such a hassle to find certain colors last year.  Here's how it turned out:

Then, I took all the small, broken crayons and decided to reuse them instead of tossing!  So, I started with the monotonous task of peeling the little papers off...

Next, I sprayed a mini-muffin pan with cooking spray for easy removal and filled them up with colors I liked together.  

After baking for about 30 minutes at 170 degrees Fahrenheit, I pulled them out...

... and let them cool for just a few minutes.

This is what I got!

I think the kids will really enjoy using them!

Well... 1 project down... 497 to go! 



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