Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Teacher Drop Box

My memories of years past of early morning claustrophobia from children bombarding me with notes, important documents, and other various papers from home that I just HAD to see NOW will not be relived this year.  I have found the solution (and a simple one, at that!) to this annoying little daily ritual that all students I have taught (no matter the age) just insisted on participating in.  The way out can be found in one little word: DROPBOX.  I created my own personal dropbox for student notes in the morning!  This way, I no longer have to play the role of mother duckling with at least 10 little ducklings following me around every morning!  Here is what I did:

1. Found a shoebox that I was no longer using.  In this case, it was from a pair of TOMS I bought in the Spring.  Concise and adorable.  
The cardboard was also easy to paint as opposed to the slickier brands.  

2. I then painted the cardboard box one of my favorite colors: TURQUOISE!

3. I wanted to add an accent color that would stand out as well as match my room.  My curtains and bulletin board are orange, and I liked the idea of orange & turquoise.  An additional plus was the fact that I had sticky orange letters leftover from a gift I made my Florida-Gator-fan fiance.  So, I added my name to the front with the letters:

4. I am excited to announce that I did not purchase ONE THING for this project!  I already had all the items on hand (including the paint!)  So exciting... Anyway, I found a stencil that I used for tiger stripes last year since we are the Tigers.  I thought it would look cute with some tiger stripes on the top.

Oh yeah, I also traced a rectangle on the top, and cut with an exacto knife I had in my pink toolkit to create the "drop" area.

5. I also added stripes to the back and added my initial just because I had some extra space.

I also added stripes to the side of the box as well.

6. Now, I needed to jazz up the front a little bit, so I found some ribbon I'd had for a while that would match just perfectly.  I glued this on around my name with my trusty high-temp mini glue gun!

7.  One last little touch, and I am finished!  Here it is!  Think it will catch the kids' attention, and they will actually use it?!?!  I sure hope so!



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